Yes, I know I have been blowing up my Twitter and Facebook statuses today with stuff about Dave and Carole’s Miracle Marathon for Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, but it is something that is very important to me. I have never personally had to utilize the services that Children’s provides, but I know plenty of people who have…and the place is incredible. Everything they do is FOR THE KIDS AND THEIR FAMILIES. It is absolutely amazing seeing these doctors and nurses and support staff and nutrition staff etc etc etc at work, because they all care about kids.
Whether it is treating childhood cancers, rare heart defects, genetic disorders, emergency situations, neurological disorders, GI problems, renal problems, premature births, birth defects, etc etc etc, you name it—Children’s DOES IT ALL. Being in that place, visiting the kids, watching them smile through all of the pain they must be enduring…is absolutely heart wrenching but such a blessing at the same time. We, here in Southeast Wisconsin, are so blessed to have a facility right here, at our fingertips, at our disposal, if we need it. And if we personally don’t need it…there will come a time where you will be personally affected by it through someone you know. Families travel from all over the country—and in some cases, all over the world—to be at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. The doctors work around the clock to create specialized treatment plans for the child. They will not stop until they have done everything they can for that child. This incredible facility is an absolute Godsend here.
So, I urge you, if you can donate, whatever you can…DO SO. Dave and Carole are broadcasting around the clock for the remainder of the day and tomorrow. All proceeds go to supporting CHW’s mission of helping children. Last year, donations exceeded $1 MILLION DOLLARS. How incredible is that?! My Mom and I will be answering phones tomorrow morning from 8:30a-12:30p to help support this most worthwhile cause. I even answered a call last year where a gentleman singlehandedly donated $10,000 out of his own pocket. Even a small fraction of that can make a HUGE difference. Almost every hour is a Power Hour, where various Milwaukee-area businesses (and in some cases anonymous donors) match your donation DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR. Some are even Double Power Hours, where your donation is TRIPLED. The website for donation is or you can call 414-337-WKLH (9554) or toll free at 1-800-414-WHLH (9554).
We are blessed to have a facility like CHW here…And I feel beyond blessed to be a part of this. There is no telling when you or someone you love will need this place. Be a hero, donate to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.